Death of the Son & Resurrection of His Life

My cousin died suddenly last week. He was only 52 years old. His funeral took place yesterday in Cork, Ireland. His name was Donal - Dómhnall in Irish and means world ruler.

Since I couldn't be there in person, I was glad it was livestreamed on YouTube. So I got busy yesterday morning creating a sacred space on my kitchen table with candles, crystals and a photo of my dad. My laptop in the central position of this impromptu viewing altar, I clicked on the livestream to join the funeral just in time to see my mum and sister at the top pews giving their condolences to my aunt, uncle and cousins.

How I wished I could be there in person amongst my aunts, uncles, many cousins and family to celebrate, grieve, hug and share stories. Yet, at home by my kitchen table is where I was meant to be evidently.

I held it together as six men carried his sizable coffin up the aisle of the church and positioned it in front of the altar, all the while serenaded by a beautiful solo singer whose divine masculine frequency resonated through my laptop and into my kitchen to me.

But when my cousin stood up at the pulpit to share the eulogy, hearing his voice speaking the life stories of his eldest brother caused the bottled up grief within me to rise up and release through my salty tears with such a force that I was glad I was at home alone at my kitchen table. I felt like the Bean Caointe; the Keening Woman whose sobs and tears were melting away eons of stuck grief through my Cork lineage and rippling out to the collective like a quantum healing balm of deep love and reverence for this moment.

You see I remember my cousin when we visited on our holidays to my father's home of county Cork as a child. But I didn't know him as a person in the way that I knew my other 34 cousins. He was born with profound hearing loss and with a condition called aphasia meaning in his case, he was unable to speak. In the eulogy it was explained that he found it difficult to accept that he couldn't hear or speak; that he couldn't communicate with people.

More tears flowed when my father was mentioned. With my father's line of work in the Department of Education in Dublin at the time, he made sure that a special class was setup for my cousin in Cork and for aphasic children in school. My father, always the family man and first to step in to help. I felt the warmth of his presence at this funeral.

And so my late cousin quickly learnt other ways of communicating at school and at home through lip reading, sign language, reading and writing.

"His reading and writing skills were second to none and he became a master communicator."

He became a master communicator.

These words stopped me in my tracks. He couldn't hear. He couldn't speak, and because of this, he found new and alternative ways to communicate. Over time, he became a master communicator.

The high mastery of becoming the master communicator felt so beautiful and poignant to me that I had to let this sink in.

He used to go on long cycles, and always found his way home. Like a homing pigeon. And he had an incredible ability with numbers, remembering everyone's date of birth and date of death as well as their age. He loved water and the sea.

Today I invite you to remember my cousin Donal who lived life to the fullest. Who brought joy and cheeky laughter, amidst the anguish, pain and frustration, to life and who brought everyone together in love in the end.

Is the purpose of life preparing for our death?

Is it to feel loss, grief, pain and suffering?

Is it to know love and be love?

Is it to have an experience to educate and inform the soul?

Is it to save humanity and build a new kind of earth that needs master communicators?

Is it to heal and/or break the bondage of karmic loops?

Is it to experience pure joy and belly laughter; the sun on your face and wind in your hair; to smell the smells of spring?

Being stationed by my kitchen table yesterday allowed me to witness death in a new way, helping me to feel the grief within me. To release the heaviness down into earth; into the air or the fire or water. To transmute and thereby transform through alchemical tears.

There is immense power in being present to all of this in every moment.

My cousin's coffin was carried slowly by the same six men back down the aisle and on by hearse to the graveyard where he has returned to the warm embrace of earth, near his family home in Cork. He is at peace now and welcomed home by the outstretched arms of his ancestors. I know he'll be having a great laugh with my dad, uncles, aunt and cousin who too have passed on from our family circle. I'm sure they are all enjoying enlightened conversations now and supporting us from a new space.

The livestream ended and the congregation disappeared off camera. I carried my laptop into my front room to return to my workspace. I gasped and stopped in my tracks again. There was a pigeon staring sideways in the window at me! Perched on the wooden bench that sits in front of our window. We call it the birthing bench since it was a gift from my family after the birth of our son.

From death to birth. We rise up in resurrection.

The sacred spiral continues.

If you need alchemical support to release, transmute and birth your projects into the world, checkout my one to one Sacred Storytelling Sessions where I hold deep space for you to transform from the inside out with soul based coaching. Click here to find out more about these powerful packages. You'll be amazed by what unfolds in each session uniquely for you!

Also, the early bird price ends on 1st May 2024 for the Sacred Storytelling Ireland In-Person Retreat. Petra Carroll and I invite you onto the sacred lands of Eamain Macha, Navan Fort Armagh to heal the rift within and return to divine truth from 2 - 4 August 2024. Click here to find out more. I met with Petra last Friday to walk with horse Goddess Macha upon these magical lands and to make our preparations to welcome you home to Ireland. It is going to be a very special weekend.

Let me know how this email resonates for you.

Lots of love to you on your journey in navigating these times.

Eimear xx

Eimear Stassin Sacred Storyteller​ ​ ​

For 1:1 support with Eimear checkout her deeply transformational Sacred Storytelling Sessions by clicking here. ​ ​

Upcoming Events: ​

Sacred Storytelling Ireland Retreat to heal the rift within and return to divine truth. 2 - 4 August 2024. Click here to find out more. ​

Follow Eimear on YouTube: ​@eimearstassin​

Go to Eimear's Website: ​​

Magdalene Mum Birthing New Consciousness ~ we birthed the Aries son/sun!

Our son turned 13 on 5th April. We now have 3 teenagers in the house, watch out world!!

As this being grew and formed within my womb for 9 months all those years ago, I had no idea what this birth would be like third time round. I was told to "expect the unexpected". Really?!

He arrived late and with a wee bit of drama. After a full on labour, they realised he was upside down - head up, bottom down. Maybe he wanted to renege on his agreement, no longer wanting to be born into this dense earth. They whisked him out through c-section and announced "it's a boy"!

My husband, in full surgical scrubs, handed him to me.

Time stood still.

I held this warm little bundle of pure perfection with joyous surges of motherly love that nothing can ever quench. With umbilicus cut, we are always connected no matter what.

It took a while to heal from that unexpected emergency surgery and to reconnect energetically with my severed womb space. The scar has faded to a silvery line of sacred remembrance. And our son has grown into a quick witted, fiery and loving human who adores football!

Birthing this family, I realise that creating our home for our expanding family as our sanctuary and a place of safety has been an important space for us all to ground into, develop and grow out from. Our home represents this foundational place to learn and be ourselves within this haven of peace and often times craziness depending on the mood of the time of day!

Our home is the constant that has enabled us to birth the new.

Our home is the birthing temple to new earth consciousness!

And I'm the Magdalene Mum!


In birthing new consciousness, the divine sun/son is born.

This is the divine child frequency.

In birthing the son/sun, we're resurrecting the inner son/sun, the inner Christ and returning to divine inner union.

We are being supported by rivers of golden plasma light animated in crystalline primordial waters beyond time.

Birthing new consciousness is an elevated frequency.

Birthing new consciousness is inner union with the mysteries.

Birthing new consciousness is the highest vibrational frequency of love.

We are the Aquarian Leaders.

We have returned to complete our missions to guide humanity out of our current 3D density and into lighter frequencies of 5D and beyond.

We hold these frequencies of love within our energy fields and they are being activated now, in fact, they are being turbo boosted within this current eclipse portal.

We are the new earth creators.

Birthers of new consciousness.

Welcome home.

Eimear x

Note: This post was originally written on 7th April 2024

The Inner Christ ~ holding the master frequency of love

I cried my little Irish eyes out when reading about the story of the crucifixion in Dolores Cannon's book called They Walked With Jesus.

My soul knew this journey.

My heart remembered the grief.

My mind recalled the horror.

My body cried to release.

Suddenly I had become part of the story on that particular timeline. Step by step, I walked with Yeshua knowing there was nothing I could do to stop the process playing out. Feeling every ounce of torment that he felt. Feeling every wound that was inflicted upon his mortal body. I watched as he carried that heavy cross up the hill, taking on every ounce of the density present on earth at that time.

As the 4 giant Roman nails penetrated his hands and feet, I felt it as if it were my flesh upon that crucifix; my wounds weeping the blood of humanity's deepest darkest oppression across the rivers of time as our world plunged into chaos.

There are many theories on the crucifixion of Christ. That he wasn't crucified at all, but was swapped by someone else at the last minute. That he survived the ordeal and went on to live a full life. That he never existed at all and that it's fabricated.....yet I know in my heart of hearts that he did exist in order to take on the wounds of humanity, accepting his destiny with a courage, strength and love beyond his 33 years.

He existed to remind us all of our light.

To remember our inner treasures.

To resurrect our divine spark within.

For the crucifixion wounds of Christ are referred to as the 5 Holy Wounds and represent the "treasures of treasures for souls". It seems a bit extreme though doesn't it, yet these horrors still play out today.

I recently came across the work of Ashayana Deane. She speaks of the crucifixion of Yeshua as being symbolic for the crucifixion of the inner Christ:

“It crucified the inner Christ, the inner Crist grid...As we heal the template, we open these blockages up. We’re taking our crown off and we’re getting down off the cross and it’s about time!”

Don't you think it's time to come down off the cross of sacrifice now, even when we don't know the way? To tenderly address our wounded inner Christ and receive the many gifts that are waiting to be remembered?

Do you feel the shifting energies that are calling out for new stories to be woven, whilst honouring those of old?

The frequency of love repairs our crucified inner Christ.

The frequency of love dissolves separation and distortion.

The frequency of love is new earth consciousness.

For Yeshua is a representative of the Christos light.

He holds the master frequency of love for us all.

I too hold the master frequency of love for these times - what about you?

What's moving through you as you read this?

So much love to you on this day,

Eimear x

Note: This was originally written on 29th March 2024.

Ireland's Grief

I read an email recently explaining that the Atlantic ocean is the saltiest of all our oceans.

The email, by Megan Macedo, linked this saltiness to "a greater capacity to hold human grief, to dissolve it, suspend it in the hydrogen bonds between the molecules."

It got me thinking about that ocean, Ireland and grief.

The wild Atlantic ocean hugs the coastline of Ireland's western shores.

It's the bridge that connects Ireland to continents.

It's also a barrier that separates Ireland from these land masses.

The wild Atlantic ocean is home to a rich tapestry of marine and plant life. She's witnessed much in her time. It was west across these turbulent waters the Irish traversed in the hope of a more prosperous, safer life. It was west they were sent to penal colonies to serve out their sentence for an alleged crime.

Maybe the Atlantic ocean needs to be so salty to hold the grief trapped in the continents that She touches, including the lands of Ireland. In the crevices, rocks and history. In the battles, heartache and herstory.

This salty ocean cradles our rugged little island until we're ready as a nation to be cracked open and fully immerse ourselves in these healing waters, releasing the stuck grief across all timelines and dimensions through our human pores.

Maybe the Atlantic ocean needs to be so salty to be the grief for all those who don't know yet how to grieve; aren't ready to grieve or have forgotten the ancient grieving ways.

Grief needs an outlet or else it becomes stuck and stagnant within the land; within our communities and within our bodies. Practices such as keening and waking those who have passed on were important in Ireland, until they were no longer allowed...although the wake is still going strong! We knew how important it was to let grief flow whilst honouring and celebrating those who had died.

Yet throughout Ireland's history, there wasn't always the luxury to grieve. Bodies killed through civil war. Lives ending through starvation....buried in mass graves or left to decompose where they took their final breath. Forests felled; lands cleared and animals hunted to extinction...

This all leaves a dense imprint on the land. And it's still happening now globally as we know.

Ireland's grief wishes to be witnessed now.

Our earth's grief wishes to be acknowledged.

Humanity's grief needs a healing balm.

In the Irish language, grief takes many forms. One form is brón which means sad. Another is briseadh croí which means broken hearted. Grief swings like a pendulum and has many faces.

When Ireland's grief is tended to with fire dragons breath for example, the frozen ice cubes of unexpressed multi-dimensional trauma are released from the land. Souls stuck return home to heal back to wholeness. Voices are free to fully express themselves again through speaking soul truths. The land heals and repairs as the ecosystem returns to full animated balance. There will be no more addiction. Crime will become benign.

Rivers of gold will flow across Her body.

Forests of oak will stand tall.

The elementals and fairy folk will work more widely with people again, for they will have nothing left to fear.

The emerald crystalline heart of Éiriú shall flourish once again so that She too is fully witnessed in HerStory expression.

Her full volcanic power then returns online as the ley lines continue to be cleared.

And we each recognise our innate power by feeling the life force that surges forth within.

As we bridge these barriers, peace shall reign once more.

Peace that's aligned with natural lore.

The Atlantic ocean as a most powerful body of water can return to wholehearted love, releasing Her gifts for humanity buried beneath the saltiness of grief.

When our grief is tended to, then we can finally feel the healing flow of love swirling through our veins. Through our DNA. Through the umbilicus of our matrilineal lines. Through the cells of our patrilineal lines.

Ireland's grief is my grief is our grief.

Ireland's love is my love is our love.

Saturday 24th February 2024 marked the 30th anniversary of my father's passing.

I honoured him and grief


an online

Grief Circle

It ended up being a very very powerful Grief Circle Gathering with the energy from all of those gathering in ceremonial circle globally feeling very palpable.

During this Grief Circle Gathering:

*We connect with the salty wild Atlantic ocean

*Commune with Lady Grief and how She presents herself uniquely for you

*I share stories about my father, Arthur who passed on 30 years ago today

*I guide you on an Atlantian / Atlantis Grief Releasing journey through the umbilicus of time to unblock, thaw and release stuck calcified grief through Fire Dragon's breath. As rivers of gold flow, you're invited to ride on the back of dragon or fly like a Phoenix to resurrect your divine spark within.

A re-birthing is happening for us and to us.

Click here to enjoy this sacred ceremony.

Le grá / with love,

Eimear xx

Eimear Stassin
Sacred Storyteller & Earth Witch

John the Blacksmith and Granny Hannah

Grandparents John & Hannah

My grandfather, John, was a Blacksmith. A Farrier. A gentle man with a gift for the horses and a great mind for business.

John was my dads dad. He died in the 1960's long before I was born. The forge where he worked was just down the road from their family home where my father grew up in the village of Timoleague, West Cork.

"Built in 1900" is still etched onto the stone chimney.

My granny Hannah, John's wife and my dads mother, had a singer sewing machine. The kind where you had to push on the wrought iron pedal to power it up. I remember her as a stern woman, but that might just be from the black and white photos that we have of her - having your photo taken was a serious business!

During a shamanic journey a while ago, John and Hannah stepped forth. Granny Hannah showered my etheric body with holy water and salt to aid my healing. Then John stepped forth and handed me his hammer and anvil.

"What am I meant to do with these granddad?", I asked.

"These are yours now. It's up to you to use these tools to continue on your path.", he responded. "Call on us to support you in your healing and business."

And with that, they were gone.

When I went on mock trial for being a witch, on 8:8:2020, it was the wig wearing judge armed with his wooden hammer that got me going. When he sentenced me to death for being a witch, under the Scottish Witchcraft Act of 1563, that spontaneously ignited a flame of remembrance within me. Erupting my divine NO. No more. It was the place where I finally drew my boundary line.

Little did I know back then how this journey, this witch initiation, would unfold! There was something about the witches hammer and reclaiming it's true meaning.

My grandfather's forge fell to wrack and ruin and is long gone now. I don't know where that singer sewing machine is now either.

However I have been gifted the hammer and anvil to forge new paths. To lead the way.

The hammer is in our hands now.

It's all of ours to reclaim this witches hammer of divine justice.

And with all of that, I have more exciting news for you!

Cheryl Prince of 5D Theatre and I have just launched our next collaborative event called The Witches Wheel at Winter Solstice. It's taking place on 21st December 2023 over this next very powerful portal. During this live online workshop, I will be sharing the story of The Dungeons and The Judge calling on all in attendance to reclaim the witches hammer of divine justice now. It's time.

Click here to find out more and to purchase your ticket.

I've also created a short playlist with the first five stages of my witch awakening. Click here to dive in to these sacred stories and activating poems.

Lots of love to you on your divine path of awakening.

Eimear xx

Eimear Stassin​
Sacred Storyteller & Earth Witch

Photo: John & Hannah

Aisling ~ The dream or vision of a new kind of earth

It was our daughter's 16th birthday on 10th November 2023.

Aisling's birth was very empowering for me. This time I knew what I wanted. How I wanted to birth her - standing up in my power. With minimal intervention.

It was intense. Very quick. Out she popped so fast that she almost slipped out of the midwife's hands.

It's a girl!

She was born in the very early hours of the morning of 10th November, just as the moon had entered Scorpio. A micro new moon.

It's a Scorpio sun and moon girl!

Her birthday brings me back to that time in my life as a mother when our family of 3 became a family of 4.

Aisling's birthday takes me back to the person I was then. A month short of turning 33, I was working as a Corporate Leadership Trainer in a global American bank. Life was busy. It turns out I was very unaware of how my life path would take many twists and turns in order to get me on the right path of my soul.

I was unaware of the impending doom of redundancy in 2009 where our training team was sliced in half - half stayed; half left.

I was unaware the steps I would take to leave the false safety of the corporate cocoon into entrepreneurship in 2017.

I was unaware of the experience I would have returning to the same global American bank in 2018 as a freelance trainer to deliver a Womens' Leadership Program for the chosen ones - the hand picked aspiring women leaders who wished to rise up the hierarchy as quickly as possible.

Unaware how that experience would feel like a witchhunt for me and would leave me feeling very shaken.

This corporate environment had become alien to me. Who had I become?

I was unaware of the visceral initiation into witch that I would experience in 2020, which began to expose my witch wounds so deeply and expertly hidden across my soul's lifetimes.

Unaware of the divine round table and also what went on and still goes on beneath the round table.

I was unaware of the vast, rich and deep learning experiences I would encounter on this journey.

It turns out I'm very adept at navigating sudden endings and surprise changes in this life! And the future is not always ours to see.

Aisling's name means a dream or a vision.

The Aisling is a type of poem written by Irish poets to describe their yearning; their vision of a free, safe, healed and united Ireland.

I'm currently reading Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips. I've had a sample on my kindle since I saw Cathy being interviewed by Laura Eisenhower a while ago. I wasn't ready to read it until I started running The Witches Wheel series with Cheryl Prince. It is very well written and is not an easy read. Words cannot aptly describe the horror, in-humane and disgusting treatment Cathy and her daughter have received as mind controlled slaves of the MK Ultra program and Project Monarch.

My life experiences in this life pale into insignificance the more I read of it. However I have witnessed and healed many horrendous past lives.

How can we ascend into our Aisling, our dreams and visions of a new earth where we live in peace, harmony and unity when mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse is still happening both over- and underground in our world? The ritual part of the distorted satanic wheel mirrors the 8 seasons of the year of The Divine Witches Wheel through inverted twisted distortions intended on maximising trauma and causing severe harm to people and animals.

How can we ascend when this is still going on? Our inner work in facing our wounds in this life and past lives and turning towards the shadow is vital. As is the anchoring of the vision of a peaceful new earth. Anchoring in the light.

These new generations of children being born now call on us to go deeper than ever. To see beyond the lies and facades of the structure and societal conditioning of our world.

This is my duty.

This is our duty.

These children call on us to listen to the truth of inner knowing when things feel off or feel exactly right.

Remember your resonance of divine truth.

I do this work for my children, for you and for all children past, present and future.

This is why I continue to join forces with Cheryl Prince because we are here to support you by creating safe circles to learn, be witnessed and to speak your truth into the circle. To go into the shadow and return to the light. To feel empowered to live your life based on your inner truths. To walk your soul path home.

And so I want to let you know that Cheryl Prince of 5D Theatre and I are running our next live workshop called

The Witches Wheel at Winter Solstice

on 21st December 2023

from 7 - 9pm UK time.

Click here to find out more and to purchase your ticket.

With love,

Eimear Stassin​
Sacred Storyteller & Earth Witch

Photo: Eimear’s Celtic Brooch