Aisling ~ The dream or vision of a new kind of earth

It was our daughter's 16th birthday on 10th November 2023.

Aisling's birth was very empowering for me. This time I knew what I wanted. How I wanted to birth her - standing up in my power. With minimal intervention.

It was intense. Very quick. Out she popped so fast that she almost slipped out of the midwife's hands.

It's a girl!

She was born in the very early hours of the morning of 10th November, just as the moon had entered Scorpio. A micro new moon.

It's a Scorpio sun and moon girl!

Her birthday brings me back to that time in my life as a mother when our family of 3 became a family of 4.

Aisling's birthday takes me back to the person I was then. A month short of turning 33, I was working as a Corporate Leadership Trainer in a global American bank. Life was busy. It turns out I was very unaware of how my life path would take many twists and turns in order to get me on the right path of my soul.

I was unaware of the impending doom of redundancy in 2009 where our training team was sliced in half - half stayed; half left.

I was unaware the steps I would take to leave the false safety of the corporate cocoon into entrepreneurship in 2017.

I was unaware of the experience I would have returning to the same global American bank in 2018 as a freelance trainer to deliver a Womens' Leadership Program for the chosen ones - the hand picked aspiring women leaders who wished to rise up the hierarchy as quickly as possible.

Unaware how that experience would feel like a witchhunt for me and would leave me feeling very shaken.

This corporate environment had become alien to me. Who had I become?

I was unaware of the visceral initiation into witch that I would experience in 2020, which began to expose my witch wounds so deeply and expertly hidden across my soul's lifetimes.

Unaware of the divine round table and also what went on and still goes on beneath the round table.

I was unaware of the vast, rich and deep learning experiences I would encounter on this journey.

It turns out I'm very adept at navigating sudden endings and surprise changes in this life! And the future is not always ours to see.

Aisling's name means a dream or a vision.

The Aisling is a type of poem written by Irish poets to describe their yearning; their vision of a free, safe, healed and united Ireland.

I'm currently reading Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips. I've had a sample on my kindle since I saw Cathy being interviewed by Laura Eisenhower a while ago. I wasn't ready to read it until I started running The Witches Wheel series with Cheryl Prince. It is very well written and is not an easy read. Words cannot aptly describe the horror, in-humane and disgusting treatment Cathy and her daughter have received as mind controlled slaves of the MK Ultra program and Project Monarch.

My life experiences in this life pale into insignificance the more I read of it. However I have witnessed and healed many horrendous past lives.

How can we ascend into our Aisling, our dreams and visions of a new earth where we live in peace, harmony and unity when mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse is still happening both over- and underground in our world? The ritual part of the distorted satanic wheel mirrors the 8 seasons of the year of The Divine Witches Wheel through inverted twisted distortions intended on maximising trauma and causing severe harm to people and animals.

How can we ascend when this is still going on? Our inner work in facing our wounds in this life and past lives and turning towards the shadow is vital. As is the anchoring of the vision of a peaceful new earth. Anchoring in the light.

These new generations of children being born now call on us to go deeper than ever. To see beyond the lies and facades of the structure and societal conditioning of our world.

This is my duty.

This is our duty.

These children call on us to listen to the truth of inner knowing when things feel off or feel exactly right.

Remember your resonance of divine truth.

I do this work for my children, for you and for all children past, present and future.

This is why I continue to join forces with Cheryl Prince because we are here to support you by creating safe circles to learn, be witnessed and to speak your truth into the circle. To go into the shadow and return to the light. To feel empowered to live your life based on your inner truths. To walk your soul path home.

And so I want to let you know that Cheryl Prince of 5D Theatre and I are running our next live workshop called

The Witches Wheel at Winter Solstice

on 21st December 2023

from 7 - 9pm UK time.

Click here to find out more and to purchase your ticket.

With love,

Eimear Stassin​
Sacred Storyteller & Earth Witch

Photo: Eimear’s Celtic Brooch