Ireland's Grief

I read an email recently explaining that the Atlantic ocean is the saltiest of all our oceans.

The email, by Megan Macedo, linked this saltiness to "a greater capacity to hold human grief, to dissolve it, suspend it in the hydrogen bonds between the molecules."

It got me thinking about that ocean, Ireland and grief.

The wild Atlantic ocean hugs the coastline of Ireland's western shores.

It's the bridge that connects Ireland to continents.

It's also a barrier that separates Ireland from these land masses.

The wild Atlantic ocean is home to a rich tapestry of marine and plant life. She's witnessed much in her time. It was west across these turbulent waters the Irish traversed in the hope of a more prosperous, safer life. It was west they were sent to penal colonies to serve out their sentence for an alleged crime.

Maybe the Atlantic ocean needs to be so salty to hold the grief trapped in the continents that She touches, including the lands of Ireland. In the crevices, rocks and history. In the battles, heartache and herstory.

This salty ocean cradles our rugged little island until we're ready as a nation to be cracked open and fully immerse ourselves in these healing waters, releasing the stuck grief across all timelines and dimensions through our human pores.

Maybe the Atlantic ocean needs to be so salty to be the grief for all those who don't know yet how to grieve; aren't ready to grieve or have forgotten the ancient grieving ways.

Grief needs an outlet or else it becomes stuck and stagnant within the land; within our communities and within our bodies. Practices such as keening and waking those who have passed on were important in Ireland, until they were no longer allowed...although the wake is still going strong! We knew how important it was to let grief flow whilst honouring and celebrating those who had died.

Yet throughout Ireland's history, there wasn't always the luxury to grieve. Bodies killed through civil war. Lives ending through starvation....buried in mass graves or left to decompose where they took their final breath. Forests felled; lands cleared and animals hunted to extinction...

This all leaves a dense imprint on the land. And it's still happening now globally as we know.

Ireland's grief wishes to be witnessed now.

Our earth's grief wishes to be acknowledged.

Humanity's grief needs a healing balm.

In the Irish language, grief takes many forms. One form is brón which means sad. Another is briseadh croí which means broken hearted. Grief swings like a pendulum and has many faces.

When Ireland's grief is tended to with fire dragons breath for example, the frozen ice cubes of unexpressed multi-dimensional trauma are released from the land. Souls stuck return home to heal back to wholeness. Voices are free to fully express themselves again through speaking soul truths. The land heals and repairs as the ecosystem returns to full animated balance. There will be no more addiction. Crime will become benign.

Rivers of gold will flow across Her body.

Forests of oak will stand tall.

The elementals and fairy folk will work more widely with people again, for they will have nothing left to fear.

The emerald crystalline heart of Éiriú shall flourish once again so that She too is fully witnessed in HerStory expression.

Her full volcanic power then returns online as the ley lines continue to be cleared.

And we each recognise our innate power by feeling the life force that surges forth within.

As we bridge these barriers, peace shall reign once more.

Peace that's aligned with natural lore.

The Atlantic ocean as a most powerful body of water can return to wholehearted love, releasing Her gifts for humanity buried beneath the saltiness of grief.

When our grief is tended to, then we can finally feel the healing flow of love swirling through our veins. Through our DNA. Through the umbilicus of our matrilineal lines. Through the cells of our patrilineal lines.

Ireland's grief is my grief is our grief.

Ireland's love is my love is our love.

Saturday 24th February 2024 marked the 30th anniversary of my father's passing.

I honoured him and grief


an online

Grief Circle

It ended up being a very very powerful Grief Circle Gathering with the energy from all of those gathering in ceremonial circle globally feeling very palpable.

During this Grief Circle Gathering:

*We connect with the salty wild Atlantic ocean

*Commune with Lady Grief and how She presents herself uniquely for you

*I share stories about my father, Arthur who passed on 30 years ago today

*I guide you on an Atlantian / Atlantis Grief Releasing journey through the umbilicus of time to unblock, thaw and release stuck calcified grief through Fire Dragon's breath. As rivers of gold flow, you're invited to ride on the back of dragon or fly like a Phoenix to resurrect your divine spark within.

A re-birthing is happening for us and to us.

Click here to enjoy this sacred ceremony.

Le grá / with love,

Eimear xx

Eimear Stassin
Sacred Storyteller & Earth Witch